(847) 337-8538 kennethweine@gmail.com

Course Level Information

Preregistration is required, and space is limited. Continuing Education Credits are available, but certain restrictions apply due to state filing requirements. Please verify with us that the type of continuing education credits you want are registered for your state. Additional information is provided below.

The Insurance Forum

The Forum is a nonprofit event presented by the Insurance Forum Foundation, chaired by Kenneth M. Weine. The Forum is an executive level program designed for insurance and risk management professionals, accountants, attorneys, corporate officers, and regulators.

What are the Learning Objectives?

Participants will learn about current issues, new solutions, and the latest developments in the regulation and operation of insurance companies. Attendees will obtain an increased understanding of the changes taking place in the insurance industry and the major legal, operational, accounting, and regulatory issues facing insurers and consumers of insurance.

The format consists of roundtable discussions, lectures and interactive presentations. The speakers will analyze the effect of recent major events, emerging issues, and new regulation.

What is the Course Level?

The Forum is an Intermediate to Advanced level course. No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required, as the course is a live presentation by faculty. Attendees will receive materials distributed at the program. Participants will also receive evaluation forms to critique the presenters, and comment forms that will be submitted to accreditation authorities.

Can I Earn Continuing Education Credit?

Continuing Education credit is applied for attorneys (CLE) and accountants (CPE) in Illinois only. Continuing Education credit is applied for SOFE and IAIR. Certain restrictions apply, so please verify that your designation is approved in the state(s) you require. No broker Continuing Education credit is available.

How Can I Register or Obtain More Information?

Click on the button below to register for the event. For more information copy and paste the URL into your web browser at www.jvpiff.org.

Please contact Kenneth M. Weine, President – Insurance Forum Foundation, if you have any questions.

Kenneth M. Weine, MCM, CIRD, MBA
1618 Keeney Street
Evanston, IL 60202
(847) 337-8538

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions? Find answers to commonly asked questions about the 2024 Insurance Forum here. Get prepared for this exclusive event!

How do I receive CLE/CPE Continuing Education Credit for attending the Forum?

Continuing Education credit applies only to attorneys (CLE) and accountants (CPE) in Illinois. Continuing Education credit is applied for through the Society of Financial Examiners. International Association of Insurance Receivers Continuing Education credit is applied for. Certain restrictions apply, so please verify that your designation is approved in the state(s) you require. No broker Continuing Education credit is available.

  • You must also sign in and sign out at the Forum using the course attendance code. The sign-in/out forms will be distributed in your materials.
  • CLE eligibility will be based on 60 minutes of instruction for one hour of credit and does not include keynote speeches, opening and closing remarks, breaks, and meals.
  • CPE, SOFE, and IAIR accreditations will be based on 50 minutes of instruction for one hour of credit and do not include breaks or meals.
  • Certificates of Attendance will be emailed within several weeks.

Can I still register after online registration is closed? Is there a Waiting List?

The event is sold out when registration is closed. You can be placed on a Waiting List by emailing Ken Weine at (kennethweine@gmail.com). Include your Name, Title, Company Name, Address, Email, and Phone Number.

You will be contacted three days before the event if there is a cancellation that allows you to register.

I registered, but I cannot attend anymore. Should I cancel my reservation?

Yes, please cancel the reservation, as this will allow someone on the Waiting List to attend. Email your Name and Confirmation Number to Ken Weine (kennethweine@gmail.com).

Where can I find the speaker and panel information?

Please visit our program page to obtain the agenda.

I am traveling from out of town to attend the Forum. Do you have any hotels you recommend, and if so, do you have a special rate?

Please visit our website for a list of hotels near the event location. A list of parking garages is also provided.

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